worldsteel has been accounting for CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the steel industry for the past 30 years. This has been done both from a product level in our LCA programme as well as on a site level.

With an increasing focus aimed at assisting the steel industry in the low-carbon transition, many different stakeholders have developed approaches to measuring and reporting GHG emissions from the steel industry and steel-using sectors. A recent report published by the IEA recommends harmonising methodologies for GHG emissions accounting for the steel, using, among others, these two approaches developed by worldsteel.

worldsteel was instrumental in developing and launching the Steel Standards Principles that highlight the need for common greenhouse gas measurement standards in this increasingly complex landscape. A statement launched at COP 29 in Baku highlights the progress of the work of the endorsers of the Principles since they were launched at COP 28 in Dubai last year. The list of endorsers is open to new signatories. A list of suggested actions of the endorsers is available. For more information contact

To assist this work, worldsteel carried out an extensive mapping exercise in 2024 of around 80 organisations to help understand the similarities between each approach as well as areas for possible future alignment. The table below summarises many of the most significant GHG measurement standards that currently exist and identifies how they differ. Additional standards/methods are being added and the criteria for comparison are also being expanded.

Please contact us if you have any updates or comments. We would be pleased to hear from you.


Last updated on 11/12/2024