Our name: World Steel Association (worldsteel)
The name World Steel Association was adopted in 2008.
The abbreviation of the World Steel Association is worldsteel. No other form of abbreviation should be used. worldsteel should always be in lowercase, even when starting a sentence or within a title.
Below are some examples of how to start a sentence using the name:
• The worldsteel General Assembly takes place in October.
• worldsteel has been collecting life cycle inventory data since 1995.
In all documentation, printed materials, press releases, etc., World Steel Association should be written in full the first time the name is used. This can be followed by (worldsteel) immediately after the full name, allowing you to use worldsteel throughout the rest of the document.
The abbreviation ‘WSA’ should be avoided in all circumstances. WSA is already an abbreviation for many other bodies and institutions.
To avoid any confusion, we chose a straightforward short-form worldsteel. worldsteel is more meaningful and more easily recognisable than an acronym.
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