Steel is the most commonly used metal in the world. It is everywhere in our lives.
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Our opt-in programmes aim to further the development of the steel industry. Currently, we offer four programmes for which there is an additional fee to join.
constructsteel is a marketing focused global steel construction opt-in programme whose role is to position and target specific markets and topics requested by members for members, acting as an amplifying global voice.
WorldAutoSteel is the opt-in automotive group of worldsteel. WorldAutoSteel’s mission is to advance and communicate steel’s unique ability to meet the automotive industry’s needs in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. WorldAutoSteel is committed to a low-carbon future.
The World Stainless Association (worldstainless) is a not-for-profit research and development association which was founded in 1996 as the International Stainless Steel Forum. Our vision is to sustain our world’s future with stainless steels.
An online industry-university platform aimed to equip today’s workforce with the skills and knowledge needed in competitive global markets and attract, train, and retain the next generation of steelmakers. It provides learning opportunities on how steel is made, how it is used in consumer products and how it impacts our daily lives.