Steel slag is helping the concrete and cement industry reduce its carbon emissions, but as the steel industry also works to reduce its carbon footprint there may be less steel slag available in the future.
worldsteel has announced the shortlist for the 15th Steelie Awards. The Steelie Awards recognise member companies for their contribution to the steel industry over a one-year period.
The sixth constructsteel annual conference will take place on 23 October 2024 in Charlotte, NC, USA. The conference will focus on 'Positioning steel in construction'. Register now for this insightful event.
World crude steel production for the 71 countries reporting to worldsteel was 144.8 million tonnes (Mt) in August 2024, a 6.5% decrease compared to August 2023.
The world stainless association has released a report outlining the stainless steel industry emissions and data related to these emissions.
Steel entered the space age on 30 May 2024 when a 3D steel printer printed its first steel component on the International Space Station.
Indonesia is moving its capital city to a different part of the country and steel is playing a key role in building it.
steeluniversity, the education and training programme of worldsteel, announces the opening of registrations for the 19th edition of steelChallenge. The event is scheduled to take place on 26 November.
Talented industrial design and engineering students from Tecnológico de Monterrey are providing crucial interior-specific engineering data for automotive manufacturers, paving the way for future mobility innovation.