The production of steel remains a CO2 and energy-intensive activity. However, the steel industry is committed to continuing to reduce the footprint from its operations and the use of its products.

Our industry fully supports the aims of the Paris Agreement.

There is no single solution to drastically reducing CO2 emissions from our industry.

However, we have established that the main elements enabling industrial and societal transformation are:

Reducing our own impact

We take responsibility for our impact by reducing our emissions from the production of iron and steel. We strive for efficiency in our processes and maximised use of scrap. We continue our efforts to develop and deploy breakthrough low-carbon steelmaking technologies.

Efficiency and the circular economy

We drive more reuse, remanufacturing and recycling, all key elements of the circular economy.

Modern steels are stronger, lighter and more durable than ever before. The steel industry works intensively with its customers, from design to end of life, to share our material knowledge to ensure that steel is used as efficiently as possible in any given application. In this way we enable the circular economy and contribute to material efficiency at every stage.

Developing advanced steel products to enable societal transformations

We are developing and manufacturing the advanced steel products necessary to facilitate the required transformation and adaptation of society to reach carbon neutrality through zero-energy buildings, renewable energy infrastructures, electrification and more. We assist our customers in delivering innovative solutions through the use of our material and the introduction of new advanced steel products.


The below aims to provide an overview of significant organisations working or commenting on the steel industry decarbonisation transition.

worldsteel may have contributed data or been consulted for an opinion for some of them, but does not act as an official member, partner or sponsor of any of them, nor does worldsteel officially endorse any report or other documentation that they produce.

International Energy Agency

Iron and Steel Technology Roadmap

Mission Possible Partnership

Making Net-Zero Steel Possible and other resources

Steel Breakthrough

Breakthrough Agenda 2022


Steel certification programme

Sustainable STEEL Principles

Making climate part of every steel loan

The Net-Zero Industry Tracker

Outline of the WEF’s tracking platform aim

Net-Zero Steel

The net-zero steel pathway methodology

Climate Group SteelZero

Building demand for net zero steel


Framework for industry’s net-zero transition


Sustainable Constructional Steels Certification

Global Energy Monitor

The Global Steel Plant Tracker (GSPT) reports and briefings

Global Steel Climate Council

Advocating for a global standard to measure and report steel carbon emissions


Assessing steel decarbonisation progress

International Energy Agency

Achieving Net Zero Heavy Industry Sectors in G7 Members - report

First Movers Coalition

A global initiative aiming to decarbonise seven “hard to abate” industrial sectors.