Beijing, China – September 30, 2019: Beijing Daxing New International Airport Terminal (PKX) in China.


worldsteel offers two types of access to worldsteel data:

Subscription 1: Monthly iron and crude steel production statistics

With this subscription, you will receive monthly iron and crude steel production figures, the latter from the 71 countries that provide data to worldsteel on a monthly basis, for the current year and the previous year.

Individuals access the data by logging into the worldsteel data platform with a personal username and password automatically issued at the time of purchase. The data can be easily downloaded in Excel format once payment has been processed.

The subscription gives access to the platform for 12 consecutive months. The annual fee is €1485 and includes access to all the data in the Steel Statistical Yearbook (contents pages), also available in a convenient Excel format. A PDF version can also be downloaded from the platform.

The iron and steel data for a given month’s production is uploaded between the 22nd and 25th of the following month i.e. January 2024 data is available in February 2024. Subscribers receive an email notification when a given month’s data is accessible.

If you are interested only in the Steel Statistical Yearbook in Excel format, another subscription is on offer in our bookshop.

Employees of worldsteel member companies have free access to the system via the worldsteel extranet click here.

Subscribers with valid credentials should log in via this link here.

The data included in this subscription is subject to worldsteel copyright. The data can be used internally but cannot be shared with a third party.

Please contact Marika Dzhidzhelava, Accountant ( for any questions regarding invoicing.

Please contact Adam Szewczyk, Head, Data Management ( for any questions about your subscription.

Subscription 2: Steel Statistical Yearbook 2023 Publication

With this subscription, you purchase all the data in the Steel Statistical Yearbook (contents pages). The data ranges from 2013 to 2022.

Individuals access the data by logging into the worldsteel data platform with a personal username and password automatically issued at the time of purchase. The data can be easily downloaded in Excel format once payment has been processed.

The subscription gives access to the platform for 12 consecutive months. The annual fee is €685 and includes access to all the data in a convenient Excel format. A PDF version can also be downloaded from the platform.

Each subscription entitles five users from the same company to access the platform. A user management mechanism is built into the system.

The data is updated once a year in early December.

All the data in the Steel Statistical Yearbook is made available to the Monthly crude steel and iron production statistics subscribers (subscription 1).

Employees of worldsteel member companies have free access to the system via the extranet, click here.

Subscribers with valid credentials should log in via this link here.

The data included in this subscription is subject to worldsteel copyright. The data can be used internally but cannot be shared with a third party.

Past editions of the Steel Statistical Yearbooks are available here.

Please contact for any questions regarding invoicing.

Please contact Adam Szewczyk, Head, Data Management ( for any questions relating to your subscription.


Once a year, usually in May/June, worldsteel publishes World Steel in Figures, a booklet containing preliminary facts and statistics about the global steel industry in the year preceding its publication.

Subsequently, usually in early December, worldsteel releases the annual Steel Statistical Yearbook, a publication containing an updated set of steel industry statistics on a cross-section of areas, including crude steel production by process, steel production by product, steel trade by product, apparent steel use, trade and production of iron ore. This publication is available for purchase (see details here).

An online version of this publication featuring the main indicators is available on this website.

worldsteel produces reports and working papers on global indirect trade in steel (click here). There is also a comprehensive version with a fee. Click here for more information.

Steel Data Viewer

The Steel Data Viewer provides crude steel production data which is updated on a monthly basis.

Updates and revisions

The current year’s crude steel production statistics tables on are updated every month. In any given month, several countries’ data will be estimated due to the cut-off date for publication. Not all the reporting institutions can consistently provide the latest monthly figures before the 25th.

The reporting institutions frequently update their statistics. It is common for countries and companies to adjust production figures throughout the year. worldsteel does not provide a daily update of the latest figures. The tables shown on are a ‘snapshot’ of the production statistics as they have been reported at the time of issue, plus any revisions.

The tables do not show a running total. However, in January, an ‘annual total’ figure is published. This total is not the sum of the monthly statistics from January to December because the annual figure is calculated by the reporting institution, including any numbers that may have been changed at source, but not published on

Not all steel-producing countries are represented in the monthly table. There are 63 countries that report their production statistics on a monthly basis and approximately 30 that report only annual figures. Further countries issue quarterly statistics, from which monthly figures are estimated.

Annual and year-to-date totals may include revised data not available on a monthly basis.

Short Range Outlook

In April and October, worldsteel announces its Short Range Outlook (SRO), a forecast for steel demand (finished steel). The April SRO looks seven quarters ahead and the October SRO, which is announced at worldsteel’s General Assembly, looks five quarters ahead.

The most recent SRO is published on this website here.

Intellectual property rights

All information available on is the property of the World Steel Association (worldsteel), its affiliated companies or third parties. The material is protected by copyright and neighbouring rights or other proprietary rights.

Information on this site may be quoted as long as the source of the information is acknowledged at each instance of use. For example, in the caption of a graph or as a footnote in a presentation slide. Please use either of the following terms of acknowledgement:

Source: World Steel Association