Containment, primary
A tank, vessel, pipe, truck, rail car, or other equipment designed to keep material within it – typically for the purposes of storage, separation, processing, or transfer of material.
Containment, secondary
An impermeable physical barrier specifically designed to mitigate the impact of materials that have breached primary containment. Secondary containment systems include, but are not limited to tank dikes, curbing around process equipment, drainage collection systems, the outer wall of open top double walled tanks, etc.
A release of energy that causes a pressure discontinuity or blast wave (e.g. detonations, deflagrations, and rapid releases of high pressure caused by rupture of equipment or piping).
Any combustion resulting from a LOPC, regardless of the presence of flame. This includes smouldering, charring, smoking, singeing, scorching, carbonizing, or the evidence that any of these have occurred.
Loss of primary containment (LOPC)
An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material from primary containment, including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot water, nitrogen, compressed CO2, or compressed air).
Molten metal
During the manufacture of steel and its co-products, different types of molten metals are used, such as zinc, iron and the steel itself.
Production, distribution, storage, utilities, or pilot plant facilities used in the manufacture of steel products and co-products. This includes process equipment (e.g. reactors, vessels, piping, electric arc furnaces, blast furnaces, coke ovens, boilers, pumps, compressors, exchangers, cooling towers, refrigeration systems, etc.), storage tanks, ancillary support areas (e.g. boiler houses and waste water treatment plants), on-site remediation facilities, and distribution piping under control of the company.
Note: All definitions are reproduced from API ANSI RP 754 except for: Molten metal and Process.