In 2022, worldsteel collaborated with 3M to deliver a series of webinars identifying the risks involved at working at heights and how to manage them. Below are recordings of these webinars.

The full webinar programme can be found here.


Fall protection fundamentals – steelTalks safety special series

24 February 2022 - This online seminar, the first in a series, will build your understanding of and cover the basics of the topic.

MEWP and cherry picker work at height

14 April 2022 - In this webinar, we will investigate work at height when using mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) and cherry pickers.

Industrial facilities, repair and upgrade

21 April 2022 - In this webinar, we look at overhead cranes and gantries which present unique challenges when it comes to working safely at height.

Cranes and gantries

19 May 2022 - Overhead cranes and gantries present a unique challenge when it comes to working at height, often getting to the workplace itself can be hazardous and require the use of various pieces of fall protection equipment including ladders and cable systems.

Fixed Access Ladders & Scaffolding

16 June 2022 - In this webinar we will see the hazards that are unique to this application and explore the options available to allow the worker to remain protected whilst still being able to carry out the task.

Plant, Equipment and Vehicle Access

14 July 2022 - In this webinar we will look at the hazards involved in this type of low-level work at height, as well as understand what we need to do to control them, and the solutions that are available to achieve this.

Buildings, Facilities and Roofs

11 August 2022 - This online seminar will look at these hazards in detail, helping you to understand the risks and consequences of these activities, and exploring the planning required and the options, equipment, and solutions available to mitigate them.

Rescue and recovery from height

15 September 2022 - This webinar will explore why rescue planning is so important, investigate the consequences of poor rescue planning, the considerations we need to make, and the equipment available to provide a safe and effective rescue.

Confined spaces

27 October 2022 - In this webinar, we will investigate the subject of confined spaces, the considerations that need to be made, and the solutions and equipment available to safely develop a confined space entry solution.

Service and maintenance of FPPE

15 December 2022 - In this webinar we will understand the need for inspection, look at suitable inspection schedules and product lifespans as we as gaining an understanding of the types of inspection and maintenance, who can carry them out safely and how we can safely dispose of FPPE at the end of it life.

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