Programme nominated for the Excellence in Communications Steelie Award 2022
Tenaris faced enormous challenges and opportunities during the pandemic that made it review traditional ways of working, discover new strengths and reemphasise its focus on people. To address this enormous challenge, a global communication campaign was launched to identify and promote new behaviours and skills that were key in the transition to a hybrid working environment where the physical presence in our mills continued to be paramount.
For this, nine key behaviours were identified as part of a new way of working, to guide teams and align company goals in a new era of hybrid working schemes (with physical presence and remote activities), new sanitary protocols and renewed health and wellbeing priorities:
1. Enhance priority and agenda management
2. Foster the adoption of new technologies
3. Promote a more collaborative working environment
4. Endorse an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset
5. Strengthen employee accountability in new working scenarios
6. Facilitate and foster the adoption of agile decision-making skills
7. Reinforce a culture that supports constant and frequent feedback
8. Stimulate leadership skills based on active listening and empathy
9. Encourage healthy behaviour aimed at the wellbeing of all team members
The goal of the global communication campaign was to align contents with this companywide strategy.
Top management, supervisors, and team leaders became ambassadors of this campaign that included videos, editorial series, a microsite, training courses and events, an e-mailing campaign, and a cross-content strategy for the New way of working theme to integrate
into the core of the company’s activities.
The new way of working materialised in the revamping of Tenaris offices, where working spaces were reconfigured to keep pace with the changes in the new working dynamics.
These elements include open-space and lounge areas, integrated nature, hi-tech connections, ergonomic chairs, and integration of offices with production lines (including open windows allowing a direct view on the production area).