5 May 2022

Portable hand washing station boosts water security

A stainless-steel built wash station offers portable sanitisation with a high-tech, decentralised water recycling and quality system that is being deployed across the city of Tokyo.

29 March 2022

Interceptor solar-powered automated boat is cleaning polluted rivers

The Ocean Cleanup’s Interceptor is a steel-built, automated river-cleaning catamaran that scoops up plastic waste, collecting it for recycling.

17 March 2022

Sustainability underpins China’s drive to boost winter sports

As part of its hosting of the Beijing 2022 Olympics, China has been investing heavily in winter sports facilities, that include regenerated industrial sites and clean energy.

Bighorn Solar Sunset
3 February 2022

Solar energy is fuelling more sustainable steel production

The integration of solar energy is helping usher in a new era of more sustainable steel production, with facilities making the switch to renewable power.

steel ship
16 December 2021

World’s largest sail ship is steeled for ocean travel

The Golden Horizon is a five-masted sailing whose steel-built hull makes it capable of navigating from the Arctic to Antarctica.

steel solar panels
29 October 2021

World’s largest solar power plant delivers 24-hour energy

Noor power station in Morocco is the largest concentrated solar power plant on the planet.

A POSCO Triton block being loaded for installation
3 August 2021

Innovative use of co-products supports marine regeneration

Artificial reefs made of steel slag have been used to create sea forests off the coast of South Korea.

2 July 2021

Light steel framing expands Africa’s largest hospital in record time

A new Covid-19 facility has been built in just eight months in Soweto, South Africa, by using innovative building technologies.

18 June 2021

Inflatable steel furniture paves way for even lighter infrastructure

A Polish and Swiss design team have perfected a method of creating inflatable steel furniture which could revolutionise the wind energy and construction sectors.