

Alistair Wragg, 世界钢铁协会传播专员

2019年2 月14日

尽管我非常支持数字技术, 但我知道它全息图出现之前是不可能完全取代面对面会议。2018年11月面向全球钢铁从业人员召开的世界钢铁协会第7届钢铁行业交流大会(steelCOMM-7)上,这一观点得到了进一步佐证。

会上,我们探讨了数字技术发展趋势、未来可能面临的挑战以及应对措施, 钢铁业业内和业外的专家,针对当前和今后形势的不断演变,提出真知灼见。





而聊天机器人技术可提供经济高效的24小时服务支持,以及与客户的主动(而不仅是被动)互动。假设生产线某处出现问题, 导致订单延迟,您的聊天机器人在客户询问前,即可立即通知客户,并回答相关问题,从而缓解了其他渠道的压力。


过去5年,人们对聊天机器人的兴趣不断增加, 谷歌的搜索量也呈现出显著上升趋势。因此,有必要关注它们可能提供的发展机会。

2. 平台迁移和用户结构变化

就受众规模而言, 脸书仍然是社交平台的王者, 每月拥有20亿的活跃用户。然而,除了55岁以上年龄段的用户, 其大多数年龄段的用户增长趋势放缓。与此相反的是,Instagram在所有年龄组(特别是年轻人)中的使用率不断增加,Instagram最活跃的用户年龄组在18至34岁之间。





Making video in-house is perhaps more difficult and resource intensive than creating traditional forms of content, especially for smaller teams. But it’s something we communicators need to gravitate toward. There are tools popping up seeking to help – WIBBITZ or Magisto are two such examples.

Live-video-streaming is also set to take off in 2019 with a suggested 15-fold growth over the next half-decade. Steel companies are onboard with a notable example being the recent live-broadcasting of thyssenkrupp AG’s Annual General Meeting for investors.

4.  Paid content pays off

Organic reach has been in decline for some time on Facebook. But the algorithm change last year saw it drop off the proverbial cliff. There’ll be many factors but, essentially, content that drives active engagement via comments, shares and reactions is prioritised in the news feed over more passive engagement such as clicks and views. This means more personal and people-focused content.

This may be less of a problem for Tenaris, whose ‘One Mill, One Fan Page’ approach to Facebook has reaped the benefit of community-based pages. Active engagement generated this year came to over 450K interactions across 14 pages!

On the other hand, Twitter remains steady and LinkedIn has, at least for worldsteel, seen the strongest consistent organic performance of any channel. And with the introduction of native video added last year, it has become a firm favourite of mine.

What should all this mean? If you haven’t already done so, start re-evaluating the weight and energy you put into your organic and paid efforts.

Raising organic activity might not see any clear benefit and paid promotion is now all but essential on some channels. Most importantly, what’s your aim? Is it clicks or engagement? Or, as is likely to become increasingly important, the conversion rate and the actual social media ROI?

5.  Integrated analytics are critical

Our holistic digital strategy encompasses nearly all areas of activity, from corporate to crisis communications, and from employee to community communications.  — Mara Ares, Corporate Branding Manager, Ternium

Along with this shift comes a myriad of platforms and handles to track, distil and then clearly report upon. A comprehensive and user-friendly analytics and reporting system is vital for this, and there’s plenty of off-the-shelf options.

But you’ll also want to be able to build both an overall picture and to segment the data. To see not only the individual channel or campaign results, but how they overlap – and crucially how you, and perhaps even your competitors’ various organic and increasingly paid activities compare in one space. So, a bespoke solution might be required for the most active steel companies.

Let us know your thoughts on these 5 trends, and which you see as the most important. Part two will follow next week.









5. 综合分析至关重要

我们的整体数字化战略,包括从企业形象到危机公关、从员工关怀到社区沟通所有活动领域。  — 特尔尼翁钢铁集团的品牌经理Mara Ares

伴随着这一转变,大量带有追踪、提炼,再汇报功能的平台应运而生。因此一个全面的、用户友好的分析报告系统对此至关重要, 而我们现在已经拥有很多现成的选项

与此同时,您还希望能构建出整体情况,并对数据进行细分。这不仅需要查看每个渠道或市场活动的结果,以及它们之间重叠部分的效果。更重要的是,企业与竞争对手在同一市场上,进行自然触及和日益增长的付费业务之间的比对。因此, 一份定制的整体解决方案对钢铁公司来说尤为重要。
