Project nominated for the Excellence in education and training Steelie Award 2021
JSW Group considers developing the next generation of leaders as one of the key business imperatives.
Therefore, it is essential to deliver its business growth strategy with a sustainable competitive advantage by nurturing and developing the critical talent within the organisation.
JSW’s talent and future capability development process consists of three pillars, namely talent Identification, talent development and talent deployment. These pillars are supported by assessments and effectiveness metrics. The outcome of the process is captured in talent dashboards.
Over a period of time, JSW has iterated their talent planning process to suit the current challenging environment. The enhancement of people knowledge and competencies has been on the anvil as a heightened priority for a few years now.
Moreover, it is accepted as the key methodology to building organisational capabilities to meet current and future business needs.
The process is built on 4 layers covering employee base of 8,000.
The Hi-potential framework, assessment centres, MT & GET pipeline and succession planning as processes ensure that the leadership capabilities are honed from the bottom of the pyramid right up to senior management.
JSW’s high potential identification process across senior, middle and junior levels, as well as women leadership, is a highly objective, research-based process to identify true, diverse and high-potential talent.
Benchmarked against competitors, this process creates targeted, on-the-job learning experiences to drive performance impact.
JSW has assessed 6,000 high performers across level and have identified 506 high potentials to date. JSw has also ensured role enhancement opportunities for the identified high-potential talent across levels.
Currently, 67% of high-potential talent have got role expansion. Furthermore, 81% of critical roles in the succession planning are filled by high-potential talent.