Modern steelmaking relies on advanced technologies. worldsteel plays an important role in benchmarking best practice, helping its members improve their businesses. Representatives from member companies meet regularly to exchange information on technological, manufacturing and operational performance.
Online monitoring systems
Six online assessment or benchmarking systems are currently available via worldsteel:
- CO2 data collection
- Energy efficiency data collection
- Maintenance and reliability online survey
- Process yields assessment system
- Safety and health incidents data collection
- Sustainability data collection
The online assessment or benchmarking systems are secure systems enabling each site/company to compare their results against comparable sites or plants, or a representative reference site.
They also enable the user to compare their results against better performing companies/sites and identify the areas for improvement. Some of these systems forecast the impact of additional technologies and what they may bring to a plant or site.
Access to the online monitoring systems needs to be authorised by worldsteel by requesting usernames and passwords. worldsteel members need to assign a person who can act as the principle person for an organisation who can then oversee the analysis.
Involvement in the worldsteel benchmarking systems is exclusive to worldsteel member companies.
Requests for access can be made to worldsteel through contacting Rizwan Janjua (, Head, Technology.
Technical workshops
Throughout the year worldsteel organises specifically designed technical workshops which are open both to worldsteel member and non-member companies. The purpose of the workshops is to share experiences and learn from each other.
The aim of the workshops organised by worldsteel is to share the methodologies and processes used by worldsteel members in order to benchmark and analyse the steel industry’s performance on diverse topics such as safety, energy, air quality, water management, maintenance and reliability.
The objective of the workshops and benchmarking systems is to improve the performance of the global steel industry through best practice and technology sharing. The overall outcome sought is to make the industry a safer, healthier and more environmentally responsible place to work.
worldsteel technical books
The technical books produced by worldsteel can add significant value to steelmaking companies if their ideas and recommendations are implemented. Furthermore, most of the findings are applicable to other manufacturing industries.
Recent worldsteel technical publications include Energy use in the steel industry, Raw materials improvement report, Yield improvement in the steel industry, Steel industry by-products and Water management in the steel industry. These publications are available for member companies only via the extranet.
Fact sheets
Fact sheets on technology transfer, by-products and energy use provide useful information on the status of the research carried out in the steel industry as well as the importance given to the efficient use and recovery of energy. Check out our fact sheet section here.
About steel
To understand how steel is produced and for other interesting facts about steel go to the “About steel” section of this website.