Blogs by worldsteel experts and occasionally by guest bloggers. The blogs cover a wide variety of issues affecting the steel industry. We hope you will find this section useful and look forward to your comments.

11 October 2020

Blog: Steel Safety Day and the COVID-19 pandemic

Rightly managing COVID-19 has been getting a lot of attention in all our mills, but we need to remind ourselves constantly that all the 'conventional' safety and health risks are still there.

13 May 2020

COVID-19 webinar: Protecting your workers

COVID-19 WEBINAR: Protecting your workers: Challenges and questions around providing effective respiratory protection to employees in the steel industry

26 March 2020

Blog: Steel Safety Day 2020 postponed

worldsteel has rescheduled Steel Safety Day from April to October 2020 to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 at steel-producing sites. Read more on our blog.