Aerial view of modern desalination factory in Dubai, UAE
9 July 2020

How desalination technology is hydrating the Middle East

With its corrosion-resistant properties and super-conductive nature, steel plays a star role in the Middle East’s vast desalination industry.

2 July 2020

Why encourage the use of steel industry co-products?

worldsteel’s Head of Environment and Climate Change Åsa Ekdahl explains why we should encourage the use of steel industry co-products and the role of policymakers and steelmakers.

22 June 2020

May 2020 steel production

World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to worldsteel was 148.8 million tonnes (Mt) in May 2020, an 8.7% decrease compared to May 2019.

Museum of the Future, Dubai
19 June 2020

Museum of the Future pushes the boundaries of aesthetic design

One of the most challenging and unique building projects in the world, Dubai’s Museum of the Future is a true architectural experiment.

Our journey toward championing sustainability together

Why is it crucial to raise the bar as high as possible when it comes to sustainability. How does our Steel Industry Champions programme help achieve improvement. Check out our blog to know more.

worldsteel Short Range Outlook June 2020

worldsteel today released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2020 and 2021. In 2020 worldsteel forecasts that steel demand will contract by 6.4% due to the COVID-19 crisis.

3 June 2020

World Steel in Figures 2020 is now available

worldsteel has published the 2020 edition of World Steel in Figures. The publication provides a comprehensive overview of steel industry statistics.

2019 Steel Sustainability Champions announced

worldsteel has recognised 9 companies as Steel Sustainability Champions for their work in 2019. Check out which companies have been recognised.

safety and health principles home
22 May 2020

April 2020 steel production

World crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to worldsteel was 137.1 million tonnes (Mt) in April 2020, a 13.0% decrease compared to April 2019.