Production process of rebar at NLMK Kaluga, the next-generation EAF mill (NLMK Group)
Production process of billets at NLMK Kaluga, the next-generation EAF mill (NLMK Group)
Handling at NLMK Indiana (NLMK Group)
Hot-rolling process at NLMK Indiana (NLMK Group)
Production process of heavy plates at NLMK DanSteel (NLMK Group)
Storage of heavy plates at NLMK DanSteel (NLMK Group)
Rolling process of heavy plates at NLMK DanSteel (NLMK Group)
Control room at NLMK DanSteel (NLMK Group)
Production process of coke
Slab scarfing at NLMK Clabecq (NLMK Group)